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  1. R

    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @pkhaney Your baby is only 5 months. Is he suffering from PPD? Maybe that's why he's stuck in work mode because if he lets himself be home he feels that depression and anxiety creep up on him. You guys need to have a big sit down and talk together, you don't seem to want to be out and that's...
  2. R

    Just found out husband of nearly 7 years has had an affair - we have a 3.5y/o and a 17m/o

    @renegadelegion Not with children But early on my partner and I had these issues due to my own problems. It never got physical but I was talking with another guy and there were feelings. It was hard but my partner decided to stay and we are still strong years later. I will admit a very...
  3. R

    11.5 lb baby Birth Story

    @wings777 Love this story! My 2nd boy was 4200g at birth and his shoulder got slightly stuck but the midwife did her part and I had a very minor second degree tear