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  1. C

    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @edwina958 Honestly from the start of this whole thing I thought it was going to be a reach to get it eradicated. Especially once it became a political issue it was like “ok this thing is going to be endemic” but I still don’t want to get it anymore than I want to get the flu. I just want there...
  2. C

    TDaP for grandparents?

    @heavensdaughter We required it for my first and I’ll require it again for this one. My parents threw a tantrum but my in-laws got them without complaint. The phrasing I used was “Per the medical advice of our pediatrician and obstetric staff, we are requiring everyone who visits the baby before...