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  1. O

    More kids and more hours— help!

    @angel222 Depends on age of babies and experience! Weego is what you get when they're newborns, then the minimonkey twin will be good for the 2-3 month to 7-8mo range (basically between when they outgrow a weego and before they are sitting up to do a back carry.) Once they're sitting and bigger...
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    More kids and more hours— help!

    @angel222 Tandem babywearing saved my sanity as a SAHP with my twins! Also join us at r/parentsofmultiples . Lots of folks there will have good advice.
  3. O

    Has anyone been a SAHM during the day while husband is at work and then gone to work in the evenings? How did it work out for you?

    @lesbian5eva I briefly was a sahp during the day and worked at a bakery in the evenings/early mornings. It was hell.