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  1. M

    Why should I not let my baby “use me as a human pacifier”

    @newsgurl It entirely depends on the child. A lot of kids switch from thumb sucking to nail biting too. They may not have broken the habit but instead transferred it to another type of self soothing that adults find more socially acceptable.
  2. M

    5 year old step son keeps kicking 32w wife in stomach

    @joeychris You can’t read five sentences? Ok bro.
  3. M

    5 year old step son keeps kicking 32w wife in stomach

    @joeychris Spending years hitting your kid sounds like a good idea until they get bigger and lay you out. You’re getting older and they’re getting stronger, that’s a bad equation to introduce violence to. Btw my kid is atheist and has never hit. It’s sad that the Bible teaches you to hit...
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    5 year old step son keeps kicking 32w wife in stomach

    @schurzcop Punishment as a concept is not abuse. Hitting someone is abuse. Calling it punishment to avoid blatantly saying that you’re hitting your child doesn’t change what it is, abuse.