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  1. S

    My partner passed away and I’m seriously considering adoption or a sperm donor.

    @shatteredglass I understand that, which is why it’s not something I wanna do right now, im just trying to mourn him and the fact that I may or may not get to be a parent and experience that, my mind is just all over. I’m thinking more long term, if I ever can even get through this.
  2. S

    My partner passed away and I’m seriously considering adoption or a sperm donor.

    @maulratte This is definitely something that I’d wait for, considering I’m not at all in the right head space to go through a pregnancy let alone take care of a baby. When I think long term though, I don’t see myself being with another man the way I was with him and I feel like maybe a donor or...
  3. S

    My partner passed away and I’m seriously considering adoption or a sperm donor.

    8 days ago I tragically lost my partner of 5 years in a fatal car accident. We’ve been trying for a baby for 4 years and had 1 loss during that time. I’ve been so angry and sad that his chance at being a father was robbed from him. I feel like my whole world just came crumbling down on top of me...