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  1. R

    Should I call CPS on my best friend (who's a single parent)?

    Well it might have come off as an attack and in that case, we all get defensive. Instead of advice about moving too fast just say that you’re really worried about the kids. Ask why she feels she needs a guy to fix her situation and that you will help her instead. Tell her that eventually you may...
  2. R

    Should I call CPS on my best friend (who's a single parent)?

    @awesome777yay She’s your best friend and you can’t have a direct conversation w her?? Why not talk to her bc CPS can ruin people’s lives so do not make that option #1. Yea her behavior is disgusting but do you know CPS gets funding when placing kids into foster care? Often the kids are way way...
  3. R

    Should I call CPS on my best friend (who's a single parent)?

    @awesome777yay It’s great the kids have an advocate like you! I worked in a psych hospital and had to call DCF on several people. Then I found out some shady sh*t about them (CPS). So I get it. Not a lot of people know. Good luck ❤️
  4. R

    Should I call CPS on my best friend (who's a single parent)?

    @awesome777yay Brutal honesty and be direct about how she’s putting her kids in jeopardy. Moving them in w a stranger is where you draw the line. Say if you ever do this, I will have DCF involved bc clearly you’re not putting their needs first.
  5. R

    Should I call CPS on my best friend (who's a single parent)?

    @richief This is what I said too! So many people are oblivious and think they’re being helpful