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  1. G

    How are people with fitness goals doing?

    @kellyy08 Lol no deep magical secret. The weight lifting is fun and doesn't take too long. Idk what is called though. Intervals I think. And I'm not doing the insanity by their schedule. I just pick which ones I want to do on each day. On Mondays I either do the fit test our cardio abs, Tuesday...
  2. G

    How are people with fitness goals doing?

    @12grace12 It was going great since the beginning on the year and I was down 12 pounds. Then I slacked off for nearly 3 weeks and gained 3 off so pounds back. But I got back into my routine this week. Insanity M - S and weight lifting MWF. Sunday is an of day but we normally hike on Sundays so...
  3. G

    9 weeks PP with twins - pre-e, preemies, NICU stay, etc.!

    @swordland Congrats! My cousin has twins girls named Hailey and Hannah.