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  1. P

    37 weeks, twin girls, natural or section?

    @lisajcoleman1 Baby A head down, Baby B transverse. I requested an induction, as I had had 3 previous vaginal births, and my OB requested an epidural and pushing in the OR. We also scheduled the induction for a time when she was sure to be on-call/in the hospital to oversee. We ended up...
  2. P

    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @ava1453 We have 3 dirty laundry hampers (dark colors, one in each bedroom) and 2 clean laundry baskets (these live in the laundry room). I wash 1 hamper at a time: dump into washer then straight back to its room. When it comes out of the dryer, it goes into a white basket to be folded. I...